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and check on your decor style.

Ideally, your holdays wouldbe in: New York Rome Dominican Republic Egipt
When do you feel best? Night Middlemorning Dusk Dawn
If on the sea, what would you prefer: Fast motorboat Sloop Cruise ship Sailboat
What's the best way to spend your free time? Night out Spa Working out Stay in with the family
Pick up your fashion style: Trendy Sports and Comfortable Leather jacket Traditional "tailleur"
Which one of these flicks is your favourite? Sex and the city Bridget Jones' diary Seven years in Tibet Titanic
Ideally, your house would be: A studio in London A spacious 4 bedroom apartment A house by the sea A roomy countryside house
Your dream job would be: Professional model Interior designer Yoga teacher Antiques avaluation expert
Which of these artists is your favourite? Madonna Beyoncé U2 Il Divo
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