SANITANA - 2024-2025 Professional Catalogue

430 ENCLOSURES > SHOWER TRAYS > FREE Free FREE matte black walk-in shower - DF + LF version, in corner application, with STRAT 140 x 80cm white shower tray Weights (kg) and dimensions (mm) merely indicative • Unitary prices unless otherwise specified • VAT not included M O D E L S DF - Front DF + LF - Front + Side D2G - Front + Deflector D2G + LF - Front +Deflector + Side F O R M AT S A P P L I C AT I O N S Rectangular Corner Between-walls D I M E N S I O N S L: 1000 até 2000mm W: 700 até 1000mm H: 1995mm M AT E R I A L S F I N I S H E S C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S I N T H E B O X Shower enclosure and fixing kit Profiles Chrome or Matte Black Reversible Anti-limescale treatment Aluminum Glass Accessories Safety glass - 8mm (tempered) Chrome plated / lacquered brass Zamak NEW