SANITANA - 2024-2025 Professional Catalogue

549 CERTIFICATES AND ACCREDITATIONS < QUALITY AND TRAINING < SANITANA Meeting present needs by using natural resources cannot be a compromise to meeting the needs of future generations. Business organizations play a leading role in the Commitment to Sustainability , which is why we have gathered the necessary conditions in order to be fully committed. Our Environment Policy was designed bearing this panorama in mind, in line with our organization’s global business policies and forward-thinking. We are committed to integrating the Environment as a tool to promote continuous improvement of our Company at all levels. Below there are some of our initiatives in this regard. Sustainability The environmental impact of industrial and economic development is an over- whelming concern for institutions and organizations all over the world. Because it is also a concern for Sanitana, we have implemented an Environmental Management System in line with the NP EN ISO 14001 standard. Through this standard, it is our aim to earn the trust of our clients, employees and other interested parts, demonstrating our responsibility and commitment to the ongoing improvement of our environmental performance. Environmental Management System The Environmental Product Statement proclaims environmental performance within sanitary ceramics, SANITANA and the Group it integrates, through the implementation of scientifically measurable criteria, which are validated by entities outside of our company. This way the consumer has access to thorough information about the environmental performance of the products they buy. The Environmental Product Statement follows the requirements of ISO 14025, which is based on the product´s life cycle when exposed to the methodology of EN 15804 and ISO 16578. Environmental Product Statement It is estimated that in the coming years, due to population growth and ambitious development programs, the need for water resources will substantially increase. However, we know that these resources are diminishing because of global warming. Water Label appears in this context representing the commitment of sanitary ware manufacturers, an action in which SANITANA is proud to be involved with, to develop innovative and technologically fit solutions to reduce the consumption of water resources . This commitment translates in our effort to provide the consumers with products that enable them to save on different levels: water, energy and money. Water Label