SANITANA - 2024-2025 Professional Catalogue

550 GENERAL SALES CONDITIONS > 2024 / 2025 All commercial relations between SANITANA – FÁBRICA DE SANITÁRIOS DE ANADIA, S.A., hereinafter referred to as SANITANA and its clients are governed by the following general sales conditions, which are considered to be accepted by the client simply by sending an order to SANITANA. 1. CATALOGUES AND ORDERS 1.1 Information given in our catalogues is only provided for guidance and is never binding. SANITANA reserves the right to change the characteristics of the products it sells at any time. 1.2 Orders are only considered valid when received in writing. 1.3 Any condition stipulated by a client in an order will only be considered if it complies with our general sales conditions or the special conditions for each product and only when such a condition is expressly accepted by SANITANA. 2. ORDER CANCELLATION OR CHANGES 2.1 Orders which have been accepted cannot be cancelled or changed in the following cases: • When 4 days have elapsed since receipt; • When the product has been dispatched; • When a special manufacturing process has been started for special products, in other words, products not featured in our catalogues. 2.2 SANITANA reserves the right to cancel outstanding orders in the case of total or partial non-compliance by a client with previous contracts. 3. PRICES 3.1 The prices charged are always those on the Price List (VAT not included) which is in effect at the point the goods are dispatched. 3.2 The Price List may be changed without prior warning. 3.3 Sale prices may be changed by sending a simple notification to the client. Should the client not accept the new price, he or she may cancel the order by notifying SANITANA in writing within eight days of the notification date. After this time limit has passed, it is understood that the new conditions have been fully accepted. 3.4 Changes to the taxes imposed on the production, delivery or sale of the products do not entitle the client to cancel the order. 4. DISCOUNTS 4.1 Any discount, volume discount or credit given on the listed price shall be subject to proper compliance with the obligations giving rise to said discount. 5. DELIVERY TIMES 5.1 The delivery times stated in our acceptances of orders are merely provided as a guideline. 5.2 Non compliance with the delivery time shall not constitute reason for complaint by the client, and shall not, under any circumstances, give rise to any compensation. 5.3 Delays in delivery caused by force majeur or which are not directly attributable to SANITANA shall not constitute justifiable cause for the client to cancel the order. 6. DELIVERY 6.1 Goods are considered delivered to the client after they have been unloaded at the client’s premises and receipt has been confirmed through client signature on the respective Consignment Note, or immediately after loading at SANITANA’s premises onto client transport and the respective Consignment Note has been signed by the driver. 6.2 When the goods are delivered by a means of transport which is the responsibility of SANITANA, the document handed over by the transporter must be signed on receipt of the goods stating, next to the signature “Goods under reserve and subject to checking”. Should the recipient not write this sentence, it is presumed that the goods have arrived correctly and no complaint will be originated. In the event that the client does express said reserve, there shall be a period of 8 (eight) days from the point of receipt of the goods in which to register any complaint. Should no communication be made to this effect, the goods are understood to have been fully accepted. 6.3 Orders may be fulfilled with partial deliveries. 6.4 Unloading of goods is the client’s responsibility, should said goods have been collected by the client at SANITANA’s premises. 6.5 SANITANA may refuse to transport goods whenever: • The destination is not the client’s warehouse, or that agreed in advance; • The amount involved does not justify the transport. 7. PACKAGING 7.1 Our products shall be dispatched in the packaging as indicated on the Price List. 7.2 Except if otherwise notified, the price of our products includes packaging. 8. PAYMENT CONDITIONS 8.1 Every client shall be attributed a credit limit by our Financial Department based on commercial and financial information regarding behaviour as a commercial partner. General Sales Conditions 2024 / 2025