FUTURA brochure

In a world of constant innovation, where technology transforms every aspect of life, Sanitana introduces the future of personal hygiene. Inspired by Japanese culture, we bring a new concept to your intimate care: the Futura smart toilet . Would we still feel clean if we rubbed absorbent paper all over our skin instead of having a shower? Probably not. When we consider cleanliness, we picture the refreshing flow of water and so do the Japanese. Today, amidst growing interest in personal care, the desire for a clean, refreshed and secure feeling after your most intimate of activ- ities intensifies. That is why our new Futura smart toilet combines design with visionary technology to harness the power of water for unparalleled cleanliness and comfort. Experience a revitalizing alternative with gentle, natural cleansing and elevate your bath- room experience to new heights of well-being. Redefine your intimate routine Technology meets comfort 5 Futura: Smart Toilet